Here’s what bankruptcy attorney Peter Tamposi had to say:
“For years, lenders and lessors’ focus was to get as much money out the door as quickly as possible, streamlining the approval process, making it easy for even marginal companies to obtain credit. Looking at my clients’ cases, it’s very clear little thought was given to what would happen when the bubble burst. To be up front, this troubling downturn for lenders is good for my legal practice: bankruptcy law representing the debtor”.
“Representing the debtor side, a big part of my responsibilities to clients is to help them manage and preserve their precious cash. We set payment priorities based on leverage position. What I can say without reservation is that those that have none or little leverage are pushed to the bottom of the payment priority pile, even while my clients continue their use of the leased equipment. Based on my experience, those unpaid invoices seldom are brought current, at best they’ll see pennies on the dollar after many months and legal costs. “