Welcome to our blog page! These articles detail our approach to the business world.
Pro Sports is Lousy Training for the Business World
There’s a belief among athletes—unspoken but widely assumed—that success in the big leagues means you’re destined for success in business. After all, you’ve beaten the odds, proven your work ethic, and learned how to perform under pressure. It’s a nice thought, but let’s cut through the noise: professional
Black Capital Matters
At Players Capital Group, we have a unique perspective on racism, equality and the American dream. We are a group of former and current professional athletes of all races. We’ve all worked together in the ultimate industry of teamwork, where racism was an absolute detriment to our success.
Capital Comes in Many Forms
Financial capital is the money, credit, and other forms of funding that build wealth. Political capital refers to the trust and influence that politicians or organizations earn or build up through the pursuit of policies that people like or respect. Intellectual capital refers to the intangible assets that contribute to a company’s bottom
We Play From The Blue Tees
Recently a group of Players Capital Group senior partners showed up at a golf course in North Carolina hoping to get in a round the day before some important meetings were to begin. The course was crowded, so the starter paired them with two other golfers at the
Participation Trophies
When a nationally prominent Mergers and Acquisitions advisory firm invited the CEO of a company we own to a seminar to explain their process for bringing a business to the market we were happy to attend the meeting if for no other reason than to see how our
Ever Sold a Company?
You may be the smartest guy in your industry, and you may have built a giant empire, but selling a business is not the same thing as building one. Watch what happens when Bill Gates, founder of the biggest software company in history, steps out of his area
Understanding Liquidity
As someone who has spent their working life creating and building a successful company, you have probably accumulated significant assets. Your portfolio could include any combination of cash, real estate, stocks, bonds, annuities, insurance policies and precious metals. Some investors trade more complicated instruments like commodity futures or
Our Concept of Time
Most of our deal makers and business development people have been professional athletes, coaches and general managers. In that arena, you are only as good as your last game. A bad week or even a bad night can cost you your job… The pace of business accelerates exponentially.