Financial Industry Placement Services

At Players Capital Group, we have a unique perspective on racism, equality and the American dream. We are a group of former and current professional athletes of all races. We’ve all worked together in the ultimate industry of teamwork, where racism was an absolute detriment to our success. No professional team in sports could be […]

Risk Management for Athletes

Do you even have a plan? According to Forbes and ESPN, more than half of professional athletes are broke within five years of retirement.  As an investment banking group of former major league athletes, we have unique insight into this problem, and we have the ability to solve it.  We’ve been down the same road and […]

Expedited Introductions

Recently we received a call from our friends at IronClaim, the pre-eminent public adjusting firm in the world. Public adjusters represent insured people against their own insurers. Most people don’t realize that when your home or business burns to the ground or is destroyed by some other misfortune you don’t have to automatically accept what […]

Let Us Tune Up Your Balance Sheet!

A typical sell side client of ours might be a guy that started his company thirty years ago with one truck and a desire to conquer the world. Now he’s got a hundred trucks, or a hundred locations, or a hundred service lines that started as just one. When you’ve got a single truck, you […]

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