If you were a professional athlete you need to read this!


How do you go from this… 

To this?

Did you ever play in one of these leagues?

When you played at the top level of professional sports you lived an elite lifestyle in high performance culture. When you retired from your playing career that identity retired along with you and you learned very quickly that you were on your own.

If you miss the camaraderie and culture of your athletic career, this is the way to get it back. We are Players Capital Group, a private investment banking partnership of former major league athletes. We’ve learned that the skills and contacts we developed as world class athletes give us connectivity and influence that when harnessed properly no one in the world can match.

We are quickly becoming one of world’s most effective business development organizations, and every time another one of us joins the platform we become more powerful and influential. Registered player agents and team executives also bring value to the platform and are welcome to join.

We compete in the business world the same aggressive way we did in our playing days. We’re big on teamwork, coaching and mentorship, and your income potential is high. We help the biggest investment groups in the world buy and sell companies and the deals we work on sometimes exceed $100 million in value. We collect fees in the six figure range regularly, and we are now competing for seven figure paychecks.

We are also developing unique sales and marketing channels that couldn’t be created by anyone that didn’t have the collective contacts and influence that we have. When fully built out, those channels will be an incredibly efficient and lucrative distribution network, and we will be a very powerful group.

We have fun and rewarding interactions with interesting and exciting entrepreneurs. At many gatherings we are part of we are usually the poorest and the dumbest guys in the room and that’s the way we like it.

To be part of this, you need not invest a dime of your own money. The only investment required of you is your time. We’ll show you how to convert that time into money, and there will be plenty of social and networking opportunities with former teammates and opponents as well as guys from other sports you admired.

If you’re interested in learning more, keep reading!

The most powerful network no one has ever used

It would take an enormous amount of money to recreate something we already have

People have been trying to unite the world of ex-professional athletes for business purposes for years. It’s never worked until now, simply because the athletes themselves never offered any real value to anyone.

Autographs, charity events, podcasts and personal appearances are a lot of fun but only worth so much. To make real money you need real business models that deliver real value, and there are areas of the multi-billion dollar investment banking and marketing industries that we can not only compete in but dominate, because we have a unique network that sets us apart from everyone else in the world. Let’s take a look at the elements of that network we have that no one else does:

Brand Recognition

There isn’t a single word in the logos above but any man in America could tell you who they represent. This is a great example of the brand identity that makes our network so effective.

Recently we had an amusing conversation with a former pro athlete we were recruiting to join us. He was concerned that associating himself with our group might diminish the value of his own “brand”.

If you are Tom Brady or Wayne Gretzky you have a brand. This gentleman hadn’t played in ten years and could walk down any city street in America without a second look. Other than his limited Facebook and LinkedIn audience, he does not have a brand. As ex-pro athletes, we are all very interesting guys with some great stories, but only collectively do we have a value proposition. 

National Football League
Major League Baseball
National Hockey League
National Basketball Association

Take a look at the brands above. Our brand is an amalgamation of the name recognition and loyalty of all of them, and every one of these brands have fiercely loyal followers.

Our Geographic Footprint


There are retired major league athletes in every major city in America. We have someone close to everyone in the Fortune 500 and the Inc 5000. This enables us to develop productive relationships at very low cost and there is business we can do with all of them.

The maps above and below nearly mirror each other!

Our Alumni Footprint

Having well known athletes from all major college athletic conferences makes it much easier for us to establish relationships with influential alumni at corporations we want to do business with.  

Our Social Media Presence

We are the biggest influencers in the world, with millions of followers on multiple platforms. 

When we band together and start using social media in an intelligent and coordinated manner we will have a network that costs us nothing to use and reaches almost every consumer in the country. There are no significant costs. Someone else pays for the servers. Someone else invested the seed money that became the platforms. There is no more powerful medium in the world, it costs us little to nothing to use it, and for all intents and purposes we are the most visible users.

Our Undeniable Cachet

We pack stadiums. Lawyers and bankers don’t. If you put one second string tackle from an NFL team into a room with a dozen bank CEOs, who would get most of the attention?  If you came into your law office one day and there were eleven messages on your desk from ten bankers and a player on your favorite NHL team, which one would you answer first?

If you were a busy VIP and your secretary called you and said “Some guys from the New York Rangers called and would like you to join them at Madison Square Garden Friday night for the Flyers game, would that get your attention? 

The media world has concocted a culture in which athletes are idolized and their importance exaggerated. That irrational exhuberance is the essence of our value proposition. People take our calls. People answer our emails. People want to talk to us! We are built around these realities! 

Our Connectivity

Our footprint, our alumni relations and our reputation as elite performers have allowed us to develop relationships with investor groups who manage billions of dollars of institutional capital, and the number of those relationships continue to grow. And due to our negligible cost basis, our social media channels also help us develop relationships with public and private companies looking for ways to promote their brands and sell products and services. 

This is our call to action:

We have highly respected people with contacts, influence and reach everywhere in the country, we have billions of dollars of investment capital available, and we are here to help you”.

Who else can say this? 

This network didn’t spring up overnight. We’ve just never taken advantage of it. We’ve been capitalizing this brand one wind sprint, one pushup and one bench press at a time since professional sports started over a hundred and twenty years ago, and now we are going to build it out for the benefit of us all.

We have a mission and a plan

We are rolling out all over North America

We have created a platform for retired professional athletes that amortizes the hard work and sacrifice of their sports career into real income opportunities and post career fulfillment and job satisfaction.  Here’s our plan, step by step:


If you are a football team and you can’t block and tackle, you can’t win. If you are a hockey team and you can’t skate, you can’t win. The business world has it’s fundamentals too.

Our operations are completely aligned with the fundamentals of business success.


There is a never ending supply of companies looking for the services we provide and there is never ending demand from investors looking for those companies to invest in.


Although we have generated millions of dollars we risk very little other than our time.


Our unique ability to penetrate organizations brings great value to those who can use our connectivity.



To make real money you need real business models wrapped around products and services that are in high demand and you must be able to deliver them more efficiently than your competitors. There are lucrative industries we are perfectly positioned to dominate.

The business models you see below require very little capital investment, and in relation to the negligible risk the rewards are inordinately high. 

Mergers and Acquisitions

There are thousands of private investment groups in the country and collectively they have over a trillion dollars of “dry powder”, or investable cash. Although every one of these groups have millions and/or billions of dollars under management, for all they do have, their executives are still nameless faceless suits to the owners of the companies they would like to buy. Very hard for them to get in touch with he people they want to shower with cash.

For us, it’s much easier. When a well known local sports hero makes the initial overture it is almost always well received, and the investors are more than happy to pay us for the introductions. 

Sometimes we represent the investor groups, sometime we represent the sellers, and sometimes we independently sponsor a deal and act in our own interests. The companies we deal with frequently have revenues of several hundred million dollars or more. We are not playing in the minor leagues. The fees we generate usually run well into the six figures and we are now competing for seven figure fees.

Axial, the premier online directory of investment capital sourcing rates us 17th in the nation among boutique investment banks. We are now ready to grow far and beyond. With your help we become #1!

Sales and Marketing

We are developing unique and effective sales channels that are highly efficient. Our collective social media presence reaches a huge percentage of the country at negligible cost to us. Our market based geographic diversity allows us to quickly fan out a successful enterprise from one market to all our markets.

In Development

We have several business models in development right now that will be lucrative and successful. The common thread is how our notoriety and connectivity create a competitive advantage.


We’ve talked a lot about the unique components of our network. Every time we add a member we become more effective.


There are fifty cities in North America with at least one team in the “Big 4” of pro sports, and we are building our own team in every one of them. It is our goal to be the dominant business influencers in every market by bringing relationship-based value to the most influential people in the city. Every one of these markets will be a lucrative profit center. Every one of these markets has companies looking to acquire companies, companies looking for an exit strategy, and companies that can use our sales channels.

Professional Sports Markets in the "Big 4"

Every one of these markets is a unique ecosystem, and every one will become a profit center for us. Professional athletes are the most recognizable members of every one of these communities, and our ability to aggregate supply and demand in any one of them is powerful. When we link these individual markets to each other in our national database in real time, we become exponentially more powerful in each one of them. A good idea or an effective product or service being launched in any city can quickly me brought to the other 49.

Detroit, like every other major league city, has many submarkets that offer that same opportunities the bigger markets do.

Every major league market has its submarkets, and the value propositions are the same. Business in the secondary markets flow through and are considered a part of their respective major league market.

When we have identified and installed a Managing Partner in a market, we will supply him with an initial dataset of contact information for the people in that market who have power, influence and synergy with us.  Those are the bankers, accountants and attorneys at the larger firms and the c-level executives of major corporations. We have value propositions for them that no one else can provide. 


We build the platform in two ways:

  1. Using LinkedIN, Facebook, Twitter and email to deliver our value propositions with website articles, event calendars, and testimonials. We develop the material in-house, share it with the members, and they share it with the world.
  2. By cultivating relationships instead of transactions. We help a company at any stage of their existence. When you deliver what people want and need instead of what serves your own needs, people appreciate it and remember you.


If you played in the NFL, you probably did wind sprints and grass drills until you puked. If you played in the NHL, you probably endured a lot of ten hour bus rides on your way up to the show. If you played on the PGA tour, you undoubtedly spent thousands of hours on the practice tee and putting green.

But you didn’t get there yourself. You had coaches that pushed you, held you accountable and made you better. We will support you, train you and help you maximize your experience. Once you’re comfortable, we’ll expect you to mentor others like a veteran player on your old teams.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, we have made several million dollars in the Mergers and Acquisitions business and we are just getting started. Our average success fee is in the $250,000 range, but we are now pursuing bigger deals with bigger investors. That’s where you come in…
No. You can continue to work, and frequently there will be synergy between us and your employer. Your position with us could make you more valuable to your employer and you are welcome to use this platform to further your company’s interests as well as your own.
Of course, if you want to work with us full or part time exclusively with no other job you can do that as well.
Anyone who played in the major leagues of sport can join the platform as a partner. Also, anyone who coached or managed at that level and any registered player agent of any of those leagues. We also offer VIP memberships to investors and executives who see the value of our network on a case by case basis. 

There is no limit. Business at the highest levels is about managing information and seizing opportunity. No one is better than us at that. The more of us using the platform the more effective we will become and the more lucrative it will be. 

The guys in the business world you read about that are making millions and billions are no smarter than we are, and we have advantages that they can’t compete with when we start using our collective energy and resources.

You can start managing relationships for us immediately. We will introduce you to people at private equity, family office and hedge fund groups with billions of dollars under management, as well as Fortune 500 and other major companies. You simply need to find out what they are looking to invest in, and how much. Report that to us and we’ll get busy looking for it.

Once you begin a relationship with an investment group and bring them into our world, that relationship is yours to develop and capitalize on, to your benefit and ours as long as you remain with us.

This isn’t brain surgery. We can teach you in an hour 80% of what you will ever need to know about private equity business development. Most of the deal sourcing efforts revolve aound just a few simple metrics, and we will teach you all the buzzwords. We will aggressively train you and help you find your way around. With us, you won’t be a rookie for long.

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