Corporate Exit Strategies

Thinking About Selling Your Company? Think about the importance of the decision you are making when you decide to sell the business that has been your life for a decade or three. This is a milestone event, something you do once or very few times in your lifetime, not unlike getting married, having children, and […]

Private Equity Deal Origination

Let us ramp up your deal flow! There are many ways that corporate investor groups source opportunities, and they range from the laughably inefficient to tremendously focused and effective. At the lower end of these efforts are obvious form letters from obviously junior associates of firms that are obviously fundless sponsors. These attempts are dead […]

Ever Sold a Company?

You may be the smartest guy in your industry, and you may have built a giant empire, but selling a business is not the same thing as building one. Watch what happens when Bill Gates, founder of the biggest software company in history, steps out of his area of expertise and takes on an expert […]

Understanding Liquidity

As someone who has spent their working life creating and building a successful company, you have probably accumulated significant assets. Your portfolio could include any combination of cash, real estate, stocks, bonds, annuities, insurance policies and precious metals. Some investors trade more complicated instruments like commodity futures or options. Each of these investments are a […]

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