Thinking About Selling Your Company?
Think about the importance of the decision you are making when you decide to sell the business that has been your life for a decade or three. This is a milestone event, something you do once or very few times in your lifetime, not unlike getting married, having children, and graduating from college. You may have built a great company, but you still need to convert that lifetime of effort to money. You get one chance to do it right and maximize your return.
You would be surprised at how many business owners never give their exit a passing thought until one day they decide they’ve had enough fun and it’s time to quit. And then they realize that selling a business is a complicated endeavor indeed. In their own industry vertical, they had intimate knowledge of the landscape and plenty of experience.

We are a very aggressive firm in an industry that is notoriously passive. You will not see us sitting back and waiting for our phones to ring, or for potential buyers or sellers to find us on behalf of our clients. You will never see your business listed on a website, waiting for a buyer to find it among dozens and dozens of other competing businesses. Instead, we get on the phone, we knock on doors, we attend trade shows and conferences, and we pay attention to industry trends. In any industry we make a market in, we know who the buyers are and who will finance the deals.
Almost every business deal that reaches the closing table is a win-win for buyer and seller. Lopsided deals rarely close, let alone last for long. But there are still clear cut winners and losers every time a business changes hands. Do you know who they are? Insights like this are our stock in trade and we effectively leverage this knowledge on behalf of our clients every day.
Let us help you prepare for this event. We will show you know how you can be far more prepared for a successful exit whether you want to get out in three weeks, three months or three years.