A Unique Form of Capital
Financial capital is the money, credit, and other forms of funding that build wealth. Political capital refers to the trust and influence that politicians or organizations earn or build up through the pursuit of policies that people like or respect. Intellectual capital refers to the intangible assets that contribute to a company’s bottom line. These assets include the expertise of employees, organizational […]
Capital Comes in Many Forms
Financial capital is the money, credit, and other forms of funding that build wealth. Political capital refers to the trust and influence that politicians or organizations earn or build up through the pursuit of policies that people like or respect. Intellectual capital refers to the intangible assets that contribute to a company’s bottom line. These assets include the expertise of employees, organizational […]
Are you a law firm looking to attract clients?
As an attorney, you bring value to your client in many ways… You make sure he is compliant. You advise him on risk and liability issues. You make sure the agreements he enters into are in his favor. Clients are hard to find. Most people don’t realize that lawyers have to prospect for business just […]
Is your bank interested in customer retention?
Frequently we are invited to lunch by aggressive bankers looking for dealflow. They all tell us “You are buying and selling companies and we have money to lend for those transactions!” While we enjoyed meeting them, they didn’t realize the inherent weakness in their value proposition. Having money to lend is great. But so does […]
Are you CPA firm looking to increase revenues?
Does this sound familiar? Your client calls and asks for all the tax returns and P&L’s you generated for him over the last five years. You provide them and one day you learn that he has sold his business and retired. If you’re lucky, you prepare one more tax return and never hear from him […]
The Players Capital Footprint
There are fifty major league cities in North America, and we are building a team in every one of them. Each one of these markets has a unique economy interconnected with all others. Our business models connect investors and customers with others everywhere else. Some of these markets are bigger than others, but they all […]
Getting Started with Players Capital Group
All you need to get started is internet access and a computer. The more robust your technology hub the more you’ll be able to do, but with even just a smartphone you will be able to stay informed of the many opportunities we make available to you. Start Developing Business and Relationships Right away we […]
Expedited Introductions
Recently we received a call from our friends at IronClaim, the pre-eminent public adjusting firm in the world. Public adjusters represent insured people against their own insurers. Most people don’t realize that when your home or business burns to the ground or is destroyed by some other misfortune you don’t have to automatically accept what […]
Let Us Tune Up Your Balance Sheet!
A typical sell side client of ours might be a guy that started his company thirty years ago with one truck and a desire to conquer the world. Now he’s got a hundred trucks, or a hundred locations, or a hundred service lines that started as just one. When you’ve got a single truck, you […]
Corporate Exit Strategies
Thinking About Selling Your Company? Think about the importance of the decision you are making when you decide to sell the business that has been your life for a decade or three. This is a milestone event, something you do once or very few times in your lifetime, not unlike getting married, having children, and […]